Introducing Reference Guides for the pocket shot, parrot shot, and table wrist shot

Watch Photography Reference Guides by Watch StudiesThe all new Parrot Shot Reference Guide

The hunt for inspiration is equally exhilarating as it is daunting sometimes. On the one hand, our community is brimming with incredible creators putting out amazing work every single day. But on the other hand, there's just so much content that it's nearly impossible to consume it all, let alone index it.

So let's say you've just caught up on your favorite shot recipes and are ready to get your hands dirty. Before firing up the camera, it's natural to want to gather some inspiration to get those creative juices flowing. Where do you look? How do you narrow it down to something specific? Do you just scroll endlessly through your home feed or saved posts and hope something catches your eye?

To address this, I'm introducing Reference Guides: a collection of best-in-class watch photos organized by shot style, curated from the 15,000+ contributions from the #watchstudies community. To kick the series off today, I'm releasing reference guides for 3 beloved shot styles:

Each reference guide is hosted on the Guides tab on my Instagram profile. This allows me to link directly to the featured posts and gives you a simple way to show those creators some love!

Watch Photography Reference Guides by Watch StudiesThe best of the best, all in one easy-to-reference guide.

Reference them now, reference them later. These guides will be continuously updated as I come across new examples, so check back often. Want to help contibute to a reference guide? Continue tagging your posts with #watchstudies to add to the pool of talent!

Of course, inspiration is just part of the equation. To get the complete low-down on how to create these shots, check out the tutorials:

Study, create, share, repeat. And now, get inspired! Check out the all new Reference Guides on my Instagram profile now. Enjoy!

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